Lyric discussion by kjersten 

I think this song is showing examples of two extremes. The angry young man who always picks a side and fights for every cause he has an opinion on, and on the flip side, a jaded and cynical older man who grew tired of fighting and doesn't care much any more.

To me, it shows how one shouldn't fall too far to either end of the spectrum, and also how important both of these viewpoints are. The young man suffers because he won't pick and choose his battles, but he's doing things to change the world and hopefully make it better; the older man let the world and his suffering get the better of him and won't fight those battles anymore, but he understands that it's okay to step back and let things ride, as some battles just aren't worth fighting.

Both viewpoints have their pros and cons, and both characters are simultaneously wrong and right. To sum it up, what I took away from this song is that one should pick and choose their battles, but stand up and fight when necessary.

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