Lyric discussion by Marsh 

Guys, she's smoking crack or meth. She is clearly addicted

"And I can smell plastic burning I can smell chemicals breaking down" That's what it smells like when its burned A pipe looks similar to dog whistle and can also make a high pitched noise when consuming

"I can see a flashlight cutting up the trees behind my house" Probably in her yard searching for a smoke spot

"And I will read the flashing like a morse code explanation that will mean nothing but take all night to figure out, out, out" Morse code of the lighter going on and off. Him staying up all night to figure out why she is using

"or (I am) walking in circles or (I am) crawling in circles or lying on the ground" He might of tried it with her, had a bad high freaking out

breathing exercises--> smoking

Like come on, am I the only one who sees that?

@Marsh ok i may be 3 years too late BUT i was thinking the exact same- i was like, is no one else seeing this?? or am i just fucked up- but i guess we think the same

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