Lyric discussion by gren 

Seems a totally rational letter home from a soldier to his or her country asking wtf... why would anyone instigate a war if they had any idea as to it’s absolute madness, his frustration shining through the way he drops “...this is all...”.

“Do you deserve your freedom?” is a legit question... we’re ok sending men and women far from home to do HORRIBLE things, using psychological training on them to get the “kill rate” (the % of soldiers actually shooting at the enemy with the intent to kill them) up from 2% in WWII to 98% in modern wars. The majority of humans have no wish to kill each other, that 2% from WWII bears it out, yet now we’ve conditioned these soldiers to shoot to kill as a conditioned response... we’ve turned normal folk into killers with psychology so now we’ll just deprogram them... oh, we can’t do that? We turned normal people into killers but never gave one thought about what that does to them or how to help them?

There’s no justice in the world...

...and there never was.

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