Lyric discussion by DanielTiger627 

I listen to alanis songs for therapy and she expresses emotion that is so unfiltered, I can tell she doesn’t overthink try too hard with her music; her feelings come out so well. I have a hard time putting my own emotions, which are complicated, into words and feel misunderstood most of the time. This song is something that I feel so deep but I think Alanis looks at herself and experiences and (at least these days) sings in gratitude for what she has learned about her true self and can embrace and even share that through her music with the world. I admire the willingness to be so completely vulnerable and I appreciate her music so much that it inspires me to live more that way myself. She is thanking the one true person that sees her, keeps space for her and takes care of her in the ways she needs because of who she is. I look to her music as inspiration also because she is an outspoken HSP, like myself she is a highly sensitive person and that’s not easy to be in this world. It’s rare to find one person to be able to really understand who we really are and it’s just hard, in so many ways. To find a person to be a shelter, to be able to trust with your fragility is the most beautiful thing I could imagine. I can just sense and feel and know that this is where she is in her life and her music is such a gift to so many but especially other hsps. I cry happy to this song

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