Lyric discussion by snurferdan 

I agree this is a love song, but I think the song is about going through and dealing with something tragic happening. The start of the song:

"Give me your eyes, I need sunshine Your blood, Your bones, Your voice, And your ghost"

The singer is saying that the other person is his sunshine, that he needs her. The next paragraph is talking about their life together, dealing with ups and downs, but that they believe anything is possible together. The future is bright.

Then the tragedy happens. Taking the fire out from the wire sounds like taking the sting out of something painful (think barbed wire). Taking her somewhere where nobody knows her and nobody gives a damn is like taking her back to before the tragedy, like a world where it didn't happen.

"And I could take another hit for you And I could take away your trips from you And I could take away the salt from your eyes And take away the spitting salt in you And I could give you my apologies By handing over my neologies And I could take away the shaking knees And I could give you all the olive trees Oh look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here"

He wants to do anything he can to take away the pain and make her forget about it. He needs her sunshine because it is what makes his life complete, and he wants to do anything he can so that the sunshine comes back into her eyes

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