Lyric discussion by SayEverything 

One of my favorite songs!

"Thanks that was fun" is a song that brilliantly captures the rollercoaster of emotions following the end of a "Friends-With-Benefits" relationship.

The setting for this song is him sitting alone in his apartment, painfully recalling the events leading up to the breakup and all of the thoughts/emotions he's experiencing.

The two agree to engage in a purely physical relationship where they can hook up with no emotions involved. He happily agrees to the terms with full intentions of honoring these terms. At first, it's fun, lustful and exciting - both of them get their needs met with no strings attached.

However, some time goes by and he starts to develop feelings for her. His emotions get the best of him and he eventually confesses his love to her. When she does not reciprocate, he makes an idle threat to leave her and end the relationship. She calls his bluff and ends it on the spot. (queue " shocked me when you walked me to the bus."

He's thoroughly crushed by the situation: in his mind, there was no way she didn't feel the same way. Thoughts such as, "How could this have happened?", "It's all her fault!", and "I'm not the one who should be getting hurt, here!" echo through his head as he rides the lonely bus back to his abode.

He looks around the lonely, empty apartment and sees a few of her things. In a fleeting, desperate attempt to ease his suffering, he toys with the idea of burning her stuff.

He continues to reflect over the argument they had leading up to the end: "made a deal not to feel", "don't forget, no regrets" and thinks to himself how stupid he was to think this would work out. Who doesn't love getting their heart broken, after all, right?

"Thanks, that was fun..." he thinks to himself, in a soft, sarcastic tone.

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