Lyric discussion by 3225Crew 

My classic ' Escape ' song... Very simple. Wanting to be somewhere else. Wanting to go home or to a special place where one finds inner peace. Excellent piece of writing, as in the opening verse, wandering around engaging in self dialogue: " Tell me, how long you gonna stay here Joe? " Dismissing criticisms of the place itself or the motive for wanting to be there: ' Some people say this town don't look good in snow - you don't care, I know." Second verse basically describes the feeling of restlessness while caught up in mundane, everyday existence ( purple rain ) and hoping for some kind of intervention ( wishing on a falling star ) Moving to a curt response to those who will say ' hey, it's not so bad where you are if you look at it differently ' - (Thanks a lot son , just the same )

Chorus simply tells of all the good feeling in that special place. The free wind, days surround your daylight, no despair. Alligator lizards can be interpreted in any way, as in a special thing in this place that nowhere else has.

Substitute ' Bellarine ' for ' Ventura ' and it's the perfect lyric, played very very loud and very often in my little part of the world.

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