Lyric discussion by ghlyrics 

On its face, the lyrics would seem to be about pursuing love; maybe a crush on some girl. But I think the lyrics are ultimately about death. Fleeting nature of life, and the need to risk (for love, or maybe just to live).
The conclusion of each chorus states: "I'll be gone in a day or two." Unless I'm crazy, that is a metaphor. It doesn't literally mean, a day or two, but I think it means we'll be gone before we know it.

Along a similar thread: "Slowly learning that life is okay; Say after me; It's no better to be safe than sorry." Not about a chick. More like the lessons you wanna figure out before you die.

Same thing with: "Is it live or; Just to play my worries away"

As an aside, the 2017 acoustic version of this song is almost painful its so good.

@ghlyrics it seems we feel the same way. I only saw these in order by highest rated, then I saw yours right under mine. At least I am not alone in my morbid interpretation!

@ghlyrics Not morbid at all and I don’t even think it’s a question. This song is about the importance of living fully. That can certainly mean love, among other things! For New Years, I just shuffled my extensive song collection and the first song that came up was this one. I love it. Take on Me 2020!

@ghlyrics Easy come, easy go Little high, little low

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