Lyric discussion by thewildjake 

I first heard this song in 7th grade German class. Our teacher played it to us, and it haunted me for a long time. He told us a story with it-

The song is about how, when Germany separated into two, they would only let letters that had read a censored go to the people on the other sides. If people said 'im safe and happy' in their letter, then the people who went through the letters might black that out because they didn't want the people on their side of the wall thinking the other side was better. People started realizing that their family on the other side of the wall(because yes there was a giant-ass wall between the two sides of Germany) wernt getting their full messeges, and started to come up with other ways to communicate. The song tells a story of how someone sent up a bunch of balloons to try and communicate to their family members on the other side that they were safe. Unfortunetly, some sensors from the other half of Germany picked up the balloons, and thought, 'oh my gosh their sending bombs over!' and started a full out freakin war. Everyone was notified of it, and a ton of fighters were sent up, and everyone was bombing each other, the people were in a panic. No one knows exactly what caused this, and everyones confused, and the military from one side thinks theyre helping because no one knows who started it and theyre all like 'yay progress!' but all like 'wait whats going on'. Finally, the war ends, and everything is a mess, and everything is destroyed, INCLUDING parts of the wall! After years and years, families are reuniting, friends are seeing eachother again.

So, yeah. Thats what my middle school German teacher told us. Dont know it thats correct, but hey, there ya go. My guess is that 'balloons' is a metaphor for hope, and she kept sending hope out but her hope caused trouble, and then the war destoryed it all. In the end, she only had one left, but let it go because she had given up.

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