Lyric discussion by caldera115 

This is very much Johns swan song. And although it could make more sense starting from the end & going backwards, the point he makes is quite clear.

Yes, he is talking about Potholes, but makes an omission because he believes that the upper class in the House of Lords consider the people who live in a shit-hole lesser than a Grade A Politician. And further then refers to people as "holes" by jesting that somehow poor people aren't good enough to understand music; the Albert Hall had a capacity of about 4,000 seats back then.

He also expresses his disdain for War, for people who turn their backs & bury their heads in the sand whilst keeping the typical English pride in winning wars, as well as hinting "I'd Read the Book" - as in Manifesto, which subsumes his initial remark "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords" the very people or person who start wars, most potentially could have been distracted by one of the Potholes & got killed on the road."

"I Had to Laugh" merely reassures the listeners that if the Rich don't care about the poor, the poor aren't about to care about them. Even from a human perspective.

"I'd love to turn you on" is a play on words once again. At first, it would appear that John is being cheeky as usual! But he is also saying very covertly to those who introspect "I'd love to turn you on to these issues".

It's the only line he repeats & is a metaphor for the whole song. The Orchestral [orgasm] Crescendo is a clandestine statement that we can either make love, or war. [With the end of the song representing a Nuclear Explosion]

Paul's section is merely there to play out as a philistine; a servile Joe worker who just daydreams his life's journey away with all the other passengers travelling in the same direction; "being taken for a ride".

In a nut shell, John is unhappy with all the things that segregate us & wishes everyone would stop long enough to come out of the dream. He had a point back then, & it is fundamentally quintessentially relevant now more than ever.

If only he had know about The Venus Project back then. I think he would have supported it :) No Poverty, Greed, Politics, or War? Who wouldn't want that?

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