Lyric discussion by Sapphire007 

Nina Simone was a very complex individual with an infinite depth of sensitivity to the environment she was born into...she was not simply an artist for art's sake. She was a very prominent activist who expressed the collective black experience in the United States with sometimes rough brush strokes through the lyrics of her song.

I am not surprised if the lyrics of this song resonates to the core of any culturally aware individual of the human race like myself.

I am a woman of color and some have referred to me as mullato. Not my favorite reference or description of myself.

My only wish is that she were able to add verses for at least one or two more common shades of woman or color: 1) olive skin tone and 2) the just before you get to albino shade with freckles like an Irish woman or 3) the shade that some mullato women had that appears to reflect or camouflage their blackness so much that they stand front and center with their blackness invisible in the sea of white surrounding them.


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