Lyric discussion by rockstar79 

This seems like such a deeply personal song - even compared to all others he wrote. It really captures a time in a persons life. Early middle age - 33 years old. Pull my collar up and face the cold on my own. Even with a wife and kids and supper waiting on the table you can feel like you are very much alone. You against the world sort of thing. And who is looking out for you? You just want to be a child. Or at least feel loved like one. Just loved because you are you. Not for really any other reason. For a moment I lose myself. Those rare moments when you aren't all up inside your own head. Just actually enjoying life. It really doesn't get much better here on earth. But those times seem really fleeting. This album was a huge part of my formative years. Yet I actually have come to appreciate the lyrics more as I have grown older. I can relate all too well to Billy's depression. Great pain makes great art. Just look at Psalm 77 and Psalm 88. Two really dark songs of anxiety and depression. Billy Corgan is the closest thing we have to a modern Psalmist.

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