Lyric discussion by CharlieFreak 

Neil Peart wrote this song about his desire to start living his life in the MOMENT, thru his transformation into a Conscious being...someone who knew and embraced ultimate Truth...that we are all INFINITE beings of Consciousness merely experiencing ourselves, temporarily, in a 3-D, Holographic illusive reality, thru our senses, controlled by our thoughts.

Linear Time is merely an ILLUSION that cannot possibly exist as all Matter "pops" in and out of existence based solely upon whether we are observing it or not. If you understand the Double Slit Experiment (which Peart does), then you understand the truth of our reality within the Maya. ALL Matter is merely EMPTY SPACE that appears to be solid ONLY when we focus our thoughts upon it. What matter truly is, within the true fabric of the Unified Field, is infinite waves of possibilities simply eternally waiting for us to collapse the wave function and turn it into our reality in the moment.

As human beings we CONCEIVE of nothing...our brains merely RECEIVE these electrical signals of zeros and ones and decodes them into "language"/images that we can understand. The ONLY job that we humans have is to PERCEIVE these "downloaded and decoded" signals into our reality based upon our core beliefs. Thus, what any of us truly merely what we BELIEVE to be true. And where do 99.9% of our Beliefs come from??? Parents, Schools, Governments, Religion, Books, TV, Movies, and worst of all, ADVERTISING (propaganda).

Thus, we believe what we are told to believe by people who are LYING to us...either purposefully or through ignorance...either way it doesn't matter. Thus, when we AWAKEN to a higher Consciousness, we are learning to abandon the lies we grew up with, as we embrace the truths that we discover...the rock band Rush is part of our fabric of truth...just as reading Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe or JRR Tolkien is. Within these songs, within those books, we come to realize that what we have been raised with was merely designed to CONTROL US, even most Parents operate this way.

Peart was describing his surrender to the moment, to the NOW. He symbolically turned to the sun (Light) and let down all his defences so that he could let go of all his darkness. And where does darkness reside for most of us? Within our memories, or the Illusion of the past.

Understand, that if Linear time is a myth, then the past or the future cannot possibly exist, only the now. Only the sensation of the past is real...and this is what society has focused their powers upon...constantly presenting us with systems of LIMITATION, designed to promote FEAR. Because when we believe that "bad" things are real and can hurt us, then the PAST and the FUTURE become much, much more prevalent in our reality than the now. This is when "they" own us...when they control us, as we begin to act liked trapped animals, instead of eternal beings of light capable of anything.

Neil Peart knew that the NOW is all that can possibly exist; thus, by living in it, our vision clears, and we begin to notice all the wonderful things that surround our true reality...Fear falls away b/c it's NOT REAL, only a perception that can't exist when we are focused within the now. Thus, he no longer cares what others think, he is simply focused upon HIS world, HIS experiences. And since "time stands still" while living in the moment, there's no need to "hurry along" or worry about missed opportunities. He can now patiently wait upon his grounded vessel, awaiting the tide to change. This is the beginning of patience and wisdom...when we block out all the "white noise" bullshit of society from our minds by going within, we are gifted with the Peace, calm, wisdom and harmony that flows through the vibration of Love!

@CharlieFreak Beautiful, no disrespect to the other interpretations here but this here is to me the most accurate interpretation when I listen to the song and certain lyrics pierce through veil of consciousness enough to shake you momentarily like you're hearing a message that somehow you remember but can't quite recall or even comprehend then you know a higher power is speaking trying to get through to remind us that we're infinitely free. God bless.

@CharlieFreak yeah,

It’s just the anthem of most middle aged people. They realize they have gotten older, missed out on much and would like to enjoy life

You know, what you said, just in a lot less words.

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