Lyric discussion by Trollificus 

Only commenting to point out that this song is PERFECT. The depth of allusion, the layers of meaning, the beauty of the words themselves within the constraints of rhyme and meter (the quadruple repetition of "o" sounds in verse 2 ("Show me slowly what I've only known the limits of") is unadulterated genius) is all...perfect.

Cohen is almost, maybe, the best songwriter/poet I know of. Among songwriters, only the Deads' Hunter, Richard Thompson and, more recently, GIllian Welch even compare. They're all very different, but have in common the one thing I most love and respect in an artist: they WORK terrifically hard at the CRAFT of their art. It's not just "a flash of sublime inspiration" or "unparalleled genius" (though inspiration and genius are surely present), it's being very, very good at what they do and working very, very hard at it.

Rest in peace, Mr. Cohen, and thank you for all you gave us while here.

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