Lyric discussion by beverly109 

I believe the song is talking about a woman who has been hurt by other women judging or lying about her for the purpose of damaging or destroying her relationship with a man. The result being not only her pain and sorrow, her loss of love, her becoming ostracized by other men and women; it also results in the destruction of that man. It talks about Karma and how the action of these people will turn around on those who started the lies and judging and on those who took part by just believing the lies and sharing in the gossip. Once they become the victims of similar circumstances, maybe they will see how wrong they were and the pain they caused. We dont see when people reap what the sow but it happens....the problem is not everyone learns from their the song does on to say "your tears won't leave a trace" to me this means cry and let it go....their actions have control only as long as you continue to allow them to control you. Once you have grieved do not allow yourself to continue to be the victim...their actions do not define you or your future. Live for tomorrow not yesterday. This song really speaks to me....and I DECLARE I will not be a victim. I will always strive to be a better person, live a better life, and pray that all My actions are for the good of others in His light and in His image...Amen!!!

@beverly109 wonderful interpretation, I relate

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