Lyric discussion by D_Psi4or 

Ahem.... This is about one particular person. Before I say who, let's all agree on something, NIN is dark, yes? Really dark. Okay, so: You let me violate, desecrate, penetrate, complicate you.. Key points : you let, as in this person is allowing this to happen. And desecrate.. You can only desecrate a holy place, a tomb.. Or a dead body. Help me, I'm broken, got no soul etc.. I'm a tortured person, the only thing that works for me is this.. (the only thing that gets me off..) I wanna Fuck you like an animal.. Obvious. I wanna feel you from the inside.. I want every part of you.. Literally. My existence is flawed.. I am broken. You get me closer to God.. I get real power doing these things.. You can have my isolation and hate etc.. He's taking his issues out on this person.. Tear down my reason, make me perfect etc.. I'm out of control, doing this makes me feel right.. Okay.. So here's the big hint, the last verse is sung so quietly.. I don't understand the above the trees bit, but, "in my stomach".. I drink the honey from your hive, your the reason I'm alive.... He has eaten the person.. This song is about Jeffrey Dahmer..

@D_Psi4or Excellent explanation!

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