Lyric discussion by Aphrodite29 

This song kills me everytime I hear it mainly because of the way I read it. It's a poem to one's self, a sad one at that. The way the song is written repetitively suggests that this is an internal dialogue. The writer is venting his frustrations with himself, but is so upset that he can't or doesn't really desire to change where he is at. It's that breaking point where you give up on trying to understand your feelings or your position in life. He refers to this breaking point when writes, "You knew this day would come, and you did, and you really should have waited". Another interpretation is that these could be words people said to him that he has internalized, and he has let them become a part of his personage. It's likely a combination of self-hatred and words cast upon him by others. When I heard this immediately, I thought, yes, this is far deeper than a breakup. And the background track reflects that as well. It's not vengeful as it may be for an ex. It's simple and melodic, a haunting melody that would be found in someone's head. Our thoughts really determine how we feel about ourselves. "I'll pretend to be happy, and I don't care, You cry yourself to sleep, and I don't care."This is kind of a give away for my interpretation, because this song has so many notes of being disappointed in himself. He gives it away when he says I'll pretend to be happy instead of using "you". He says he will pretend which is what he has been doing while this melody has played over and over in his head. It's a testament to how dark our thoughts can be, and to the demon that is depression.

Thank you for this beautiful song! No one can argue with that

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