Lyric discussion by Xspawnx 

1-Open up your heart what do you see is real; You feel in some way there is something wrong about the way we live on earth

We are at the bottom of the pyramid, controled and brain washed by the richest families in the world who owns 99% of all the money on the planet.

2-The big bang maybe a million years away.. But i can't think of a better time to say; world hold on

This means something is about to happen very soon.... Open you heart be pure and give love

3-Look inside, you’ll find a deeper love The kind that only comes from high above.

We are at level 3 of self consciousness... Above level 4 there is no hate, cupidity or any vices... We had help and we will have help again from higher consciousness being throughout the universe to help us getting rid of the evil inside us and achieve an higher state of self consciousness. Jesus was an being with a highest state of self consciousness and he came and suffered for us to help us save our civilisation and to show us the right way.

4-You will have to answer to the children of the sky;

This is a reference to the jugement day... The children of the sky are the higher state of consciousness beings... When that day come i strongly suggest you to pray... Ask the gods to relief you from your sins and b grateful to Jesus that decided to suffer and die for you. Love Jesus and love god. Love every being... Respect nature and learn how to love the one you hate.

5- If you meet you inner child don' cry... Tell him everything is gonna be alright.

Your inner child is the pure you... Wheb you were born you were a pure being... Before being brainwashed by your scociety you only had good in you... You have to find that pure you... That little child is still inside of you.. Pure... Bring him back... Once you open your eyes.. Don't be afraid... You have nothing to fear because everything.. Is gonna be... Allright.

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