Lyric discussion by Mike daddy 

All fascinating takes on this closet classic. My brother called this I believe correctly many many years ago right after it was released I think all the drug references and agents are kind of on the right track but here's a simple explanation. it's a party and the party has some important people!! Who ever the nasty school boy is. The message is clear. Get this guy who is dressed inappropriately out of here and do it now. You are blowing it for you and me with these people!! Unsaid: cant he just crash here? No get him out of here. Unsaid: he doesnt have ride? Drop him near the freeway. Heavy hitting business types like to socialize with people they are about to conduct biz with. So simply a unwelcome or high party guest making a scene or wearing a pancho when the other guest are in evening attire. Basic and plausible. And yes Becker was strung out during the period. Also of note Walt has really turned it around in his life and we all know the list is long of those that went all the way down. I like them even more with the passing of time.

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