Lyric discussion by belinda101 

Hmmm this song has baffled me for some time but my interpretation is of a modern day bloke ending a relationship with a stridently feminist woman. She's misused feminist arguments as put downs and barbs to belittle him to the point he doesn't know how to be with her - he's been scared of putting a foot wrong / being paternal / making a move sexually in case it is misinterpreted or seen as non consensual. This fear has meant their relationship failed to develop and has little depth to it. The video of the band members 'making a baby' is, I think, a wry nod to the fact it takes both sexes to make a baby (which at the end of the day is basically the prime reason we are on the planet) and that men and women should coexist equally as we are equally important. Extreme views on either side of the equality arguments are equally damaging - we should celebrate the differences between the sexes not use them as weapons.

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