Lyric discussion by hobnob 

I'll chip in 14 years later. I think the point of view character has given up on the relationship but keeps quiet for the benefit of his partner. He thinks it's been a waste of time ("sleeping off the last 5 years") but says nothing to keep her happy.

"We're breaking up every single night." - his feelings, he can imagine it happening every day. "If I had a choice don't you think I'd make it? I lost my voice. Hope I didn't break it." - he never says anything and each time he gives in gets weaker. "Little demons by my bed whisper secrets.The kind you never hear." - he lies awake at night thinking of ending it when she's happy with him, "You with a view so unlike my own" hammers that home.

Diving in and trying on her eyes, he's pretending he sees the relationship from her perspective for her. "We make plans. Collaborate and give to you my better half. Until now just dead weight, a prisoner of doubt. In a cell we kiss and tell all our keepsakes." He gives in and does what she wants, he feels trapped by her.

"Who would've thunk the thirteenth fell on Friday?" sucks to be him, he feels unlucky and stuck in the relationship with no way out.

That's my opinion anyway.

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