Lyric discussion by kashmoney55 

Alright the beginning of the song is perfect for me and this girl. I've messed up twice. I've made changes i know i have for the better. She just keeps reminding me of them and thats why we cant be together at this point. She never just ends it though always says things to make me think it could be us again. She always finds a way to keep me there waiting for her. At this point in time though she walked away. Im constantly searching for things to say to her to keep her close and to never forget me and i will always wait for her no matter what. I know she doesnt mean to and she has told me that she hasnt tried me be mean or feel superior to me after the stuff that ive done but i know why she does it. Shes hurt really bad and its my fault. She wants to be able to do her own things and think for herself and never wants to feel hurt even though she does. I take that burden of the guilt and the hurt and ive almost broken into little pieces. I never break though. Everytime im about to lose it she says something or does something that just keeps me going keeps me wanting her more and more. When i did those horrible things i didnt think that she was the one for me. Now i realize that that is far from the truth. I want that commitment to her again. I would do anything for her at anytime of the day or night. I finally seen her for what i want and it is killing me that i cant have her right now. I want her to forgive me for what ive done and i know it will be hard but i dont want to do the things that ive done ever again. She always finds away to keep me right here waiting.

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