Lyric discussion by meamrod 

The narrator is saying that the old man is her ancestor, likely her father or grandfather. She used to be a part of him, genetically and figuratively as in "when I was a glimmer in my dad's eye."

She and the person spoken to now live on her family farm. The person spoken to never met the father/grandfather, thus "This old man I've talked about."

She was figuratively a little squirrel as a child, climbing the stairs with her bike in order to ride down the stairs. As a child, she was proud of her silver tooth and grinned to show it off.

In her old age, she wants to return to the girl she once was, baby silvertooth/silver baby. She won't hurt her youthful self except for reliving those memories of daring do.

The boy spoken to is either her husband who will inherit her family's farm upon her death or, more likely in my opinion, her son who will continue the farm after she is gone. She is asking him to treat the home place, and by extension, treat her and her fore bearers, with respect after she is gone.

At least, that's my opinion. Great song.

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