Lyric discussion by Okiesongman 

The first music I ever owned was an 8-track of the Eagles greatest hits. Wore that thing out around the back roads near Tuttle,Okla. Never knew this song was done by the Eagles until just a few years ago when The Swon Bros. covered it in the Voice. I think the reason so many people connect with this song is the fact that in every small town or rural area there is a "Seven Bridges Road" Some back road where kids hung out on Friday night and generally did what they weren't supposed to do. With the death of Glen Frey I am listening to the Eagles even more than usual and have been learning Eagles songs on guitar. This one is so easy to play and it gives me goose bumps every time I play it. It's the combination of a deep connection with my younger days and the eeriness of the tune that make it special for me.

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