Lyric discussion by afrancie 

I think this song is about denial and how lovely the world can be when you avoid the daylight. "We are the lucky ones... all our colors run together" implies to me the groupthink that happens in dysfunctional families and the false sense of connection and comradery. Throughout the whole song, there is little mention of why the waltz is 'dark' and why the melody is so sad. The whole thing escalates towards more longing to be "turning into the light" - a light far superior to daylight. Just like in Phantom this person is under the enchantment of denial whispering that the dark can be treated as "light" and fulfill the same purpose. The phrase "turning into the light" is emphasized more than once. There is only one stanza that hints at why the song is sad and dark - "Time dancers moving past, I look through the looking glass" and she finds heaven (or fulfillment) is out of reach. Alice's looking glass was a mirror (quite symbolically a dream). Dreams are the mirrors to the soul and when people are in denial they never really "look in the mirror" or address the truth about them and the dance they are dancing. I love that the song is sang sweetly and lovingly and yet has this undercurrent of sorrow. To me that is what it is to be in denial, unable to find truth and healing, yet dancing on as if everything were normal.

That's my take :)

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