Lyric discussion by rzelu 

For me this song is about a Conquista of America. First verse would refer to conquistadors and colonizers going through Atlantic Ocean not knowing what exactly is waiting for them up there. Second verse is Native Americans' point of view - as we know, at first they believed that white people are Gods, because (unfortunately) it was thought so in some mythology or stuff, hence "angel with no halo". You can notice that this verse is written in some kind of Pidgin English - that's the kind of language a Native American could use. Notice "coats of many colours", "wine", "brothers many" (the last one could be about evangelists?). And Nice 'n' Sleazy itself? Hmm - maybe it's about Europeans using Indiands naivety to their own advantage and buying their land with a bunch of colourful beads? That could be, huh?

@rzelu > might be. This was my impression as well.

@rzelu Actually the song is about the viking invasions of England and France, but not only, it speaks of other things as well.

@rzelu The second verse (at least) is about when the band met the Amsterdam chapter of the Hells Angels. I know this because my dear friend, Maz Harris, Hells Angels, Kent England told me. Apparently, it was a momentous meeting, with firearms, quality coke and everything else that is associated with the hell raisers.

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