Lyric discussion by 42 steps 


My politically-minded sister is convinced it's about Ronald Reagan, and his legacy in the White House.

"His casting agent called to say "your smile could save our movie and the world".

As he reached success in Hollywood and then in Washington....


"An awkward pause, then "what's my line?" there's nothing left to say this time And what do you say to a bad guy who's not there? "

A direct reference to his Alzheimers.

"Buy buy buy sell sell sell.... How well you learn to not discern who's foe and who is friend

We'll own them all in the end."

Of course, the song goes on to incorporate the Middle East and the things that went on immediately following Reagan's presidency with the Bush dynasty.

BNL songs from E2E and Barenaked Ladies Are Me have a definite political bent to them, being almost exclusively against America's war-making actions during that time.

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