Lyric discussion by PaulSouth 

This song has such a soulful, wistful potency that it is hard to believe that it can be about anything less than an ex-lover, whom the singer is addressing. Maybe she was someone that he loved from the safe distance of "friendship," as he watched her play the field. That's always sure to get you singing the blues. LOL!

Great songs can rarely be understood by looking at the lyrics in isolation from the music. This piece is a great example - the music creates the tone for the lyrics. The lyrics on their own might be said by someone who is resentful, or just laughing at someone who is a fool. But the music is so very sad that the lyrics take on a sense of wistfulness, and unresolved feelings of what must be love.

@PaulSouth Excellent point about the music's role in enhancing the lyrics. I agree it's about love forsaken and an ex-lover observing her after a long time.

I also can't help but think it's about an Annie Dukes (No offense meant Annie) type woman who is a professional gambler. It's kinda fun to look at it that way some times.

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