Lyric discussion by wrad10 

Really glad I listened to this song a couple times because at first I didn't think too much of it. Now I love it.

I think everybody is on the right track, but I think there is a little more to it.

I think that yes it is about Scott going to a random yardsale and wondering about the story behind all of the different items for sale. The first two verses make a lot of sense, a sword and a guitar. The last 2 are a little more ambiguous.

I think that in the 3rd verse, he's basically saying that to an outsider, none of this stuff really has much meaning at all. To the person selling it, even the littlest of things have memories that go along with them and you can't really put a price on that. My favorite line is "a price tag for hands from which all things are built". You can't put a price on things that have been made.

Rather than sell off all the belongings that carry so many memories with them, Scott would rather burn it all because he would hate for those memories to be loss with someone else.

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