Lyric discussion by TecunUman 

The very repetitive chorus indicates that he's still haunted by the past and what could've been. He can't get comfortable in his suddenly empty bed, and he is replaying the past in his head. He may be going through sleep deprivation, trying to count couches instead of sheep, envisioning the more cozy confines of a couch rather than the vast emptiness of his bed.

"Yours is the only version of my desertion that I could ever subscribe to" - He's accepted her version of events for the failed relationship.

"That is all that I can do" - Resignation, he can do no more other than accept it.

"You are a past sinner, the last winner" - She played a role in this failed relationship, she has her own sins to atone for. A concession, he admits defeat - he has lost and declares her the winner.

"I'm reaping all around me" - He's gathering it all up, picking up the pieces trying to put himself back together.

"Until the last drop is behind you" - She still carries pieces of him with her, or at least he feels that way. Though he's defeated, still there is no closure. He'll continue to reap the pieces until the last one has been collected.

"You're so cute when you're frustrated, dear" - Even the memories of her anger and frustration are fond memories now. At this point he'd settle for at least a frustrated look from her.

"You're so cute when you're sedated, dear" - Of course, there's nothing more peaceful than viewing someone while they sleep. He'd rather remember her sedated face.

"Oh yes dear." - Yes, the peaceful serenity of sleep is a better memory to hold onto than the image of a frustrated face.

Sleep tight, grim rite, we have two hundred couches where you can Sleep tight, grim rite, we have two hundred couches where you can Sleep tight, grim rite, we have two hundred couches where you can Sleep tonight... - I've covered initially how this chorus is an attempt to soothe himself to sleep. Also may be a sarcastic comment on how she can just sleep tight, moving on with her life; while he's left with sleepless nights, haunted by memories and accosted by thoughts.

"You are the only person who's completely certain there's nothing here to be into" - He is again crying out for closure. She's moved on, but he's still feels there's unsettled business, perhaps even a chance that there's something left to salvage.

"That is all that you can do" - Asking how she could do so little or not care. When after all..

"You are a past sinner, the last winner" - She's not without her share of faults, yet she can just walk away as the winner. Please don't just walk away so easily after what you've done.

"And everything we've come to, it makes you, you" - She is who she is, all that's happened has revealed who she really is. Fine, be yourself,it's just like you to not give me that closure or even try to rebuild what we had.

"Oh, but you cannot safely say while I will be away" - Don't be so smug and don't be so sure that while we're apart...

"That you will not consider sadly how you helped me to stray" - I may stray. Don't be so confident that one day you won't look back and realize that you had the chance to fix this. It'll be too late then and it's sad that you're not doing anything right now to prevent that from being a possibility.

"You will not reach me, I am resenting a position that's past resentment" - I am beginning to shut myself out to you. I hate how I'm feeling right now. I should leave this resentment in the past and move on as you have.

"And now I can't consider and now there is this distance, so..." - Yes, I should stop thinking about this and just accept this distance once and for all.


"Something to say Something to do Nothing to say When there's nothing to do" - Last chance. Please say something. Do something! I guess not.

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