Lyric discussion by Mendalusa77 

Wow, no comments yet?! I think this song is a follow-up to "Randy Described Eternity."

I'm torn between thinking that the title is saying that this entire song is "part 2" and thinking the song is split into two parts---the untrustable part until the last "God is whoever you're performing for and the second part where the instrumentation and vocals change. In that case, is the second half of the song about someone different than the untrustable part?

Overall I feel the song is about blind belief, or blindness of vision in general---about one's self, about one's religion, or about other people. One of the last lines, "I know you wouldn't be the way you feel if you choose" sums it up. If people could just push past their emotions and see theirselves honestly, or see their god rationally, the world would be easier and/or better.

It occurs to me that the song may be one hypocrite talking to another---maybe part 1 of the song is the Christian guy telling this other guy what an asshole he is, and how he can't see the truth about himself. Then the second half of the song is the Christian guy doing the "christian" thing and trying to save the first guy, but reveals his own hypocrisy, in that he (the christian guy) is oblivious to his own asshole-ism. It's a great f-you song, in any case.

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