Lyric discussion by TheSageWolf 

Our victorious allies, the Soviet Communist regime sent over 50,000 innocent Estonian families to die in their Gulags and Concentration Camps. They then GAVE THEIR HOMES AND LANDS to tens of thousands of Russians for free. "A footstep haunts an empty floor, a faded coat that I once wore" (now on some conquering Commie!) It also fits what happened to 500,000 innocent European refugees and civilians in Dresden, Germany, when they machine gunned burned survivors, including mothers holding melting babies. ("Desolation where I once lived......") I envision a young couple, amidst all these ruins in this song, demonstrating that their Love is more powerful than all of the evil visited upon them. "You take my hand and give me your friendship....."

@TheSageWolf I am Spanish so I am out of World Wars, but we had a terrible civil war in late 30's, according to the video it could be about British colonization and the advances of the air force, but it's not quite clear, it's also a chant of hope as you may see in the chorus: You take my hand and give me your friendship. I'll take my time and send you my slow reply. Give me an inch and I'll make the best of it. Take all you want and leave all the rest to die. Just try not to commit the mistakes in...

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