Lyric discussion by rosalyre 

As someone who never had children, I love this. It's a refreshing break from the usual "childless adult as tragic figure, boo hoo" stuff. I think I read somewhere that his wife actually left him because she wanted children, which goes to show how strongly he felt about not having them. People who don't have children are often characterized as selfish, which is ridiculous. Reproduction is about instinct, it's not an altruistic thing; if it were, all those "selfless" parents would adopt disabled or emotionally troubled, hard-to-place foster children rather than create little copies of themselves. Also, not everyone is cut out to be a parent, some of us are too messed up, and the unselfish act is to forego the pleasures of parenthood for the sake of that would-be child. Belated thanks for this, Lou.

@rosalyre love your comment, wish I’d seen it earlier, thanks!

@rosalyre Hey! I saw your comment in another Lou Reed song. At first I thought you where being hostile towards him. Now I don't care. I think your comments are very valuable here because you take the time and really write about how you feel about the songs in depth.

I hope you keep expressing yourself as you please in this site. I wish there were more users like you. And no, I don't think we much in common, I just love when someone is a valuable contributor. Have a good one!

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