Lyric discussion by wmac 

I think it is very suggestive that the tune from "Spare-ohs" is quoted by Andrew at the beginning of "Lazy Projector", a song that seems aimed at how we so often ignore hard truths and needs of others, and ms-remember them or erase them completely from memory. Both songs are an appeal to conscience, to recognize the pains we bury away-- to care, even when that's all the help we can give. Also interesting that he chooses sparrows as his title. Perhaps a not terribly veiled reference to a Bible verse"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care." Doubt that the second line of the song is coincidental, and it underscores the main point in both songs about honestly caring instead of dissembling.

Finally, I thought it was a nice comedic touch (and there are so many in his songs, even a sensitive one like spare-ohs) when he plays with abstruse versus albatross ("some kind of bird") -- one usually thought to be an ill omen.

Beautiful music tied to thoughtful lyrics.

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