Lyric discussion by txnuke1201 

"Save Me" is a beautiful song, and very deep!

As the song proceeds:

There is a new awareness about this next lover. There is an awakening about the dire straits she is in..... The new lover -- he or she -- could be just the one to help stop the bleeding, to recover and heal. (IMHO a "perfect fit" means both someone who can BE a tourniquet and someone who NEEDS a tourniquet.)

The last relationship left a big wound and it still hurts like hell, like someone could die if the bleeding is not stopped. The process of starting over is now part of the focus, so that falling in love is part cynical, part unavoidable, and part romantic. Expressing the hope that she will be saved from the sick-at-heart people, and from BECOMING ONE OF THEM, she asks to be saved. Its a poignant bit of prose, and the beautiful singing does it justice, allowing the need and longing and loneliness to come through clearly.

Like Peter Pan could swoop down and snatch her from the jaws of the crocodile, or Superman could carry her away. Both heroes are able to fly, and that is what she saw in previous relationships as they started. But before too long she realized that those super powers come with drawbacks. Peter Pan and Superman are at the extreme opposite ends of what she has experienced in her love-life. Even though they both are always interested in saving someone, that can be a real drawback, too. One is a boy who will never grow up. The other is the strong silent type, too reserved.

Whoever it is, they will come with only her in mind. This poking fun at the men is what makes me think that the singer could be looking for salvation in another woman. Thats one possible interpretation, in which case the "ranks of the freaks who suspect they could never love anyone" are men who have difficulty and discomfort with expressing their feelings and giving themselves to someone wholly.

But both men and women have been stuck in failed relationships before. So the singer's reference to the "long farewell of the hunger strike" could be about anyone. It speaks of the lack of affection before it ends. Aloof becomes cold. Cold becomes dead.

Sometimes a couple will be holding it together even though the love is gone. And sometimes the sick-at-heart want to hurt their partner before the breakup. To them, starving oneself of love seems acceptable if it means they can deprive the other too. This could refer to a man who can live without the love easier than a woman can. But if you pick up that kind of habit, you too can become a "freak who suspects they can never love anyone." Its a scary thought.

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