Lyric discussion by Yzermaneely 

Morrissey is a lyrical master. I believe he's playing with multiple meanings here, just like he does in How Soon Is Now? (I am the son and the heir, but people heard sun and air)

Just look at this part: It was dark as I drove the point home -Dark, drove the point home. Are we talking about driving a coastal route, or is this a sexual scene.

And on cold leather seats well, it suddenly struck me

  • I usually only know leather seats are cold when my skin is touching them.

I just might die with a smile on my face after all

  • Well now, why might he die with a smile on his face after all? It's yours to conclude. But the man talked about sex in his lyrics a lot.

This song is pure genius. Yes, it's about people being picked on. But there are layers here. Now go look at this lyric:

Park the car at the side of the road You should know Time's tide will smother you And I will too

And answer this: Why are we parking? And what do you mean you will smother me too? And isn't it great that tide is in here to keep the coastal route theme?

Morrissey = genius.

@Yzermaneely I was going to suggest that it was about "dogging" but i thought i would get lynched by Smiths fans.

Your suggestion that it has sexual overtones/undertones has given me the courage to speak up.

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