Lyric discussion by InvitroCannibal 

I can't say what the song is about, only what it so deftly describes.

When I see this song, the first thing that comes to mind is bipolar disorder. If I ever wanted to explain what it's like I'd just show them this song. I understand this only because I am bipolar.

To me it's about a label and diagnosis, at first. You throw the doc what will obviously lead to your diagnosis. You feel like it's all smokin mirrors. The other part is realizing that everything that was real to you isn't real. Your entire identity is put into question. Who am I beyond this label?

Bipolar people can see through peoples bullshit and see them for who they are, but no one can see them. It's the heart of this song.

You realize you will never see yourself and the world won't ever see you either. The "among a million sane" to me is being classified as a statistic. I believe even the name 3 libras, which means 3 stories, is more like 3 states of being in bipolar. Mania, normal, depressed.

It's as if he is seeing all these sides and realizing all these things are him, not just the best but the worst as well. The other sides of this, is that in bipolar it's so much more complex than anyone understands. In relationships, all relationships, we try to either show our best or pretend to be what we are not only to hide our changing states. This drains us so much, because even if we could identify who we were, we'd still have to "fake it to make it."

Sometimes the hardest thing for us though, is when we show people who we are, we are rejected. We make relationships with wounded people and just hope they can understand our demons since we can see and understand theres. Tragically this is rarely the case. We are not seen by the wounded, by anyone.

He wants people to be deeper than they are and so few people lack depth.

It creates detatchment, and in the end the easiest way to describe a bipolar person is the mind of a child. It's why in the video he sees the boy and sees a part of himself in the boy and the boy sees himself in him.

Ultimately it all leads to disappointment, a bipolar person wants so desperately to learn who he or she is but we fall short of being able to accurately display who we are. It leads to isolation, giving up, when he says oh well , apparently nothing at all. Out of frustration and anger it's like he's trying to explain that they don't see him and it's why he is isolated. Even with company, as the video shows, he feels isolated.

Whether you believe my definition or not makes no difference to me because he truly is describing bipolar whether it was intentional or not.

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