Lyric discussion by cristina10 

Whenever I listen to this song it reminds me of the inevitable rough patch that ever couple must go through. We all like to think we will stay in the spring and summer of our love but the truth is we will all go through a "winter" and February is especially difficult because it's the final long stage of that winter.

I like how the song begins and ends with "keys" -- first the ones she throws in the water and then later when she makes a new set with her new lover. It symbolizes letting someone in or "freezing" them out -- as she does in February with her past lover.

Winter for them is characterized by being filled with solitary days, exhausted battles against the relentless snow and going through the motions during "Christmas" rather than reclaiming the spirit behind it. For me this couple's problems are external not internal. They had planted "bulbs" and eventually "what plants are altogether" meaning the winter had erased all the beauty and love they use to share. She asks if they are capable of "living" to February because their relationship has moved from one of love to mere suvival.

The part that makes me cry is when he points to the crocus -- finally a bulb from their flowers in bloom! She has forgotten what flowers are but he remembers and tells her "I still love you." (Such emotion in her voice when she hits those notes!)

The last line hits it all home when she says she "lost" to February. It's a sad reflection that she lost someone who really did love her but also she lost love itself because that is what tragedy can do to you.

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