Lyric discussion by chloelogsdon 

Spoiler Alert I feel like this song is an interpretation of things that have happened in Pete's relationship with the girl who isn't named in his book Gray.

"I'm a stitch away from making it, and a scar away from falling apart." At the end of Gray, Pete finds out she's been in a terrible accident. She's in critical condition and this is his way of saying she's walking the thin line between life and death. If things can be fixed and she lives, he will be okay (for now), but if anything more goes wrong and she passes away, his entire world will fall apart.

"Blood cells pixelate, and eyes dilate. And the full moon pills got me out on the street at night." After she ends up dying, Pete sneaks his brothers car out of the garage and swallows an entire bottle of unnamed blue pills. he drives around and then gets too scared to die and ends up going to the ER and being admitted on suicide watch. while in the hospital, he says that everything was so white and dull that it felt like a machine almost and that his blood cells had pixelated and eyes dilated.

"Cut it loose, watch you work the room." When she died, she was on life support. Therefore once she was dead they cut her loose from all the machines and even though she was dead she could still manipulate people and she always knew how to get the best of people.

"Put love on hold, young Hollywood is on the other line" Pete has a lot of regrets about taking the opportunity he did by going to Hollywood with the band and jeopardizing their relationship and feels like if he had never taken the opportunity things would still be okay and she never would've died to begin with.

"Her nose runs ruby red, death's in a double bed singing songs that could only catch the ear of the desperate." She's in the hospital and she was in a car accident so her nose is bleeding, while Pete, feeling like he's the reason she died, is sleeping with whatever girls will get in his bed and going on tour.

"Kiss away young thrills and kills on the mouths of all my friends" I honestly dont have a clue what's behind this line. maybe jealousy and anger from when they were together or broken up or what have you.

while there's discussion about Gray being a fictional book, i believe a lot of it is the truth. i remember reading his blog and hearing about a lot of the things that are in the book. maybe he changed the real story in spots or stretched the truth for writing's sake but for the most party it's a memoir.

@chloelogsdon Cut it loose actually means "relax and enjoy yourself"

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