Lyric discussion by VylePhinder 

I couldn't disagree more with Johnpaulmcrae's interpretation. I think this song is about, like ukcuf stated, about the frigidity of life. Of course, all songs (especially in this genre of music) are subject to interpretation, that's what makes it poetic.

That having been said, I'm not sure which sounds more rediculous to me: the song being about God or the song being about sex, oral or otherwise. To me, there exists ZERO reference to any god of any kind within the contexts of the lyrics here. Instead, there is quite the opposite, all of the words tend to point to the "meaninglessness" of our lives (how we will all just feed the worms and trees just as we have fed off of animals and just as mosquitos feed on us, as well).

Perhaps it is about the cycle of life, and not stating that it is meaningless, but just that the wheel keeps on turning, regardless of your hopes, dreams, pains, or pleasures. To use another analogy, I see the universe as the god of indifference. If you kept swept under an undertow, you get swept under and drown. That's all there is to it.

My interpretations and beliefs aside, I really don't think your interpretation was the desired message when Homme wrote this song.

Also, I do agree with you when you say that the universe is much more complex than just the big bang or evolution, however, that doesn't make them any less true (if, indeed, they are)

@VylePhinder The big bang theory is such a cop-out. I'm sorry, but the complexity of reality and why we are here and having no idea what would even exist BEFORE a big bang or anything before THAT kind of makes it a silly theory. God has to be involved. Our lives are not insignificant. Your life is what you make it. If you really try, you can have the most beautiful life anyone has ever had.

The Spinal Song by Cake Bake Betty...check it out

@VylePhinder Wrong song, it's actually called "One by One". Enjoy

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