Lyric discussion by audiomasochist 

It seems to me that this song is about depression.

"Sometimes I go whole days, Listening bored, half asleep. I won't say anything worth a thing to me." Apathy and lethargy are perhaps the hardest symptoms of depression to deal with, since they have already defeated any effort to pull yourself out of it.

There is mention of an addiction to the "slumber of disconnection," which can refer to pulling away from your loved ones as well as the habit of sleeping away your days, or at least spending them inside your own head.

Time goes achingly slowly, and you survive only on the memories of a time when you weren't numb. And this can go on for days and weeks and months. You find yourself creating a fantasy out of what once was, out of the simple act of feeling something, anything.

Of course, this is just my interpretation.

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