Lyric discussion by NorthernPaladn 

I think it's a commentary on false fronts in relationships. You can meet someone and pretty quickly understand how to modify your behavior to meet their expectations. Your "Tower of Babel" consists of the false tongues you speak to convince them that you are everything they ever wanted.

However, if you are true to yourself, if you know your weakness and know your voice and allow your walls to come crumbling down, you may appear weak and thin but you can go forward without a mask, with grace and choice. The trick will be to tear down other people's walls as you run into them -- to get inside to the real them.

"I've never lived a year better spent in love", meaning though he hasn't found his true love, he would rather live without a mask and keep searching for a real love than simply fall in love for the sake of the thing, one worthless Tower of Babel to another. Towers of Babel never last.

@NorthernPaladn Love this interpretation.

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