Lyric discussion by lolo2 

This is not about a relationship or marriage. It is about two people who clearly have feelings for one another, but the hesitancy of either both or one of them causes this beauty they share to never be taken deeper or made official. It is like a friendship that s scared to be taken closer, when deep down both of them want t be so much closer. It seems as if one of them will not admit how much they care for the other, because it is supposedly just a friendship. It seems as though the pair is happy for what they both can share on those special random moments, but deep down they would be happier just being together. They might as well be strangers, because they will pour out their hearts and souls to one another during those special rare moments, but then after it happens and around the expectations of humanity and society they will just smile and wave at each other as if they are just friendly acquaintances or close "strangers". If they could meet again for the first time again maybe things would be different, but now they are trapped in a weird situation. And maybe it will work someday, but time will have to tell. They do not know everything about each other, they have not known each other long, but they understand each other infinitely better than others do, making them feel as if they have known one another for years. It is one of those rather beautiful blessings in life, as well as something that torments the soul, because you continuously want the person so much closer to your heart.

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