Lyric discussion by EmuWar 

I've always had an attachment to this song because I had almost the same exact experience Ben describes in the lyrics. I was with my first serious girlfriend for about 4 years and they were 4 of the happiest years of my life, but things eventually didn't work out and she moved to the East Coast. I kind of take the "before gleam of your tail lights fading East" figuratively as her moving East.

Anyway, about 2 years later I was putting my new registration paperwork in my glove compartment on a rainy day, and I found an old picture of my ex that I used to have pinned on my car's sun visor. I had completely forgotten about the picture, but apparently instead of throwing it away I had just stashed it in my glove box. Memories all came flooding back, and ever since that moment this has been one of my favorite songs.

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