Lyric discussion by NobodyXIII 

When I first heard this song I thought (now this was a interpretation I had and I thought was the real meaning of the song and now I know what the meaning is). But I thought that this meant someone was trapped within hell and that he was calling out to God praying on his knees that one day one of his angels will come and save him and that hell was a infinite prison of no escape and torture. This came from 2 verses of the song. 1 was: when I try to reach above (heaven) I only heard of the ones I love (could be referencing his loved ones that passed on to heaven and he's left alone in hell to rot) 2: there's a hole in the neighborhood where the shadows fall (could be the demons in earth dragging the sinful souls of those who are deceased into the hole (gateway to hell or entrance to it all) and the shadows(demons) are falling into with the souls of those who belong in hell. There's a hole in my but my hope ain't in me at all (is now suggesting that there's no way out of hell and that god cannot get him out). I had a dream that my chains where broken broken broken open (him dreaming that the chains the devil has him in will finally be broken by God and him finally going there to free him and take him to paradise). This assumption is really incorrect but this is what I thought it meant when I first heard it

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