Lyric discussion by jep321 

I've always thought that this song is a reference to suicide. The verses are a little vague, but the chorus is a tell tale sign to me that this song might be, or at least can be, about suicide...

The first lines describe how the character hides his sadness. His eyes are indisposed, and the snake (his depression or sadness) is in disguise. It hides behind his eyes, but is omnipresent in his mind. He's always depressed, but no one knows but him.

Now onto the chorus. "Black Hole Sun"... I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off. When a gun goes off, there is a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire, which is exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like. "Won't you come and wash away the rain." I've always thought that Cornell was asking the Black Hole Sun to come and wash away his sadness, meaning that he wanted to shoot himself to end his pain.

I dont know. It's late at night and I can't sleep so i thought i'd present this theory. I'm a huge Soundgarden fan, and this is one of my favorites. I'd never seen this take on this song before, so these are my thoughts.

@jep321 "" I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off... a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire.. exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like... come and wash away his sadness,"

I have a theory when it comes to how people interpret song lrics in particular. That most of us simply hear what it is that we're feeling and hearing in our heads you know? Like I've been more of a lonely/missing someone, so for me.. the "black-hole-sun" was about wanting 'her' - wanting her to want me, and being 'with her' - to enter into 'her' black hole sun (so-to-speak) and for her rain to wash me clean of my lonely misery. (i really hope that made some bit of sense!)

  • The later might single-handedly blow that whole theory of mine to crap! But I'd rather know if for the most part whether we all tend to do this.. if it's something most of us all do.. or mostly just me.
  • thanks. Peace.

    @jep321 Perhaps the most prescient comment on the whole of this site.

    "I've always thought that a Black Hole Sun was referring to the way a gun barrel looks when it goes off. When a gun goes off, there is a black hole in the middle of a ring of fire, which is exactly what a "Black holed Sun" would look like."

    Yeah, that's what I came to think since entering the state of mind I have fairly recently, which OP was/is likely also in.

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