Lyric discussion by gatinha 

Matt Berninger yearns for a hard-shell that would shield and protect him from strong, at times painful feelings and nagging thoughts associated with caring about someone special...

He openly envies the tough, resilient, 'fireproof' nature of the woman who caused him pain and left him with a broken heart. He regrets opening up as much as he did, as he verbalizes with the remorseful "You keep a lot of secrets and I keep none. Wish I could go back and keep some."

"You tell me you’re waiting to find someone who isn’t so hopeless", he utters calmly in an attempt to face the harsh cold truth himself. "There’s no one", he continues, in a sincere disbelief that it can be humanly possible to be immune to the emotional consequences of opening up and letting someone in.

"How’d you get so far?", he asks in a partly rhetorical manner. It might be his belief that possessing that hard-shell and being 'fireproof'' comes naturally with one's emotional evolution.

He tries to rationally get over his still-alive feelings for the one he cannot let go, by affirming and reminding to himself that "You’re a million miles away; it doesn’t matter anymore..."

Self-aware and with his heart on his sleeve, he can see things as they are, but his feelings do not always cooperate.

"Jennifer, you are not the only one to sit awake until the wild feelings leave you", he cries out softly at a climatic point. It is a confident moment of reassurance that he is not alone, and she too must have suffered from feelings, which he tries to relate to...

"I wish I was that way", a sincere wish to be immune to certain feelings is right on point and ends the song on a high note, which the ongoing music carries on until the very end...


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