Lyric discussion by furbee 

As with MANY great artistic interpretations of human experience, this song demonstrates our cyclic nature to persist in things that we despise despite our best efforts to avoid them. It could be interpreted as a perpetually dysfunctional relationship, the cyclic abuse of oneself in any forms of expression. That's what makes this song so perfect for an audience. We have all struggled with fighting our own selves against our better judgement. For example, a person in an abusive relationship, they build a safe city for themselves until it crumbles around them and they have to deal with the reality that this wasn't a safe place, or wasn't healthy in any way. Apply this to drug/alcohol addiction. We've lost so many days with nothing to show, and now this city (our environment, drug-fueled reality) that we love has to be reckoned with, at which time the walls come tumbling down and we have to deal with the dark clouds of withdrawal and sobriety coming rolling in over the mountains. It could be applied to a self-deprecating relationship, a situation where you are trying to constantly failing and having to restart with "optimism" about not failing this time. Very poignant, insightful, and deep for a man so young. Not to be mistaken for a back-handed compliment. I only wish I was so creative in the expression of my feelings.

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