Lyric discussion by Trotterbee 

This song.....oh my god, it just leaves me breathless. I don't know how can I not cry while listening to these few lines. This song is about all of us, that's the truth. My real story? I am senior in high school, I fell in love with a girl i thought was my soulmate. March 2013: during the school trip I told her what were my feelings. She told me we were just friends. April: I kept on hoping and staying next to her. I thought it was impossible she did not feel the same as I. May: She started talking with me about her worries and her plans about college, future and so on. Now it's June, tomorrow is the last high school day. I feel her more distant, I have just realized that, as the song says, in July she will fly away.......different college, new friends, new loves......we won't see each other except some former school mate reunion. After the final examination, ending in july, I have a whole month to forget her. That's august. If I'm lucky in september I won't suffer anymore because of her. A love once new will grow old. Hey mates that's life, that's art, everyone of us is a work of art, and both able to create and to appreciate other works of art, like a girl or a song. Keep going on mates and maybe we will forget all the things we have suffered for......

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