Lyric discussion by Sophist 

In the beginning you can be whomever you want and all pursue all of your dreams. Ithe [your] heart of the sunrise]. Society tries to hold you back and conform you to their standards [How can the wind with it arms all around you & lost in the city]. Like a reverse prism, society narrows all spectrum of light (possibilities) to one standard straight line [Straight light moving and removing Sharpness of the colour sun shine]. If you don’t resist, your individuals dreams will never be realized. [You count the broken ties they decided].

However, in the end, only we can determine what these lyrics (life) mean to us. [Straight light searching all the meanings Of the song & Long last treatment of the telling that Relates to all the words sung] Inevitably we aspire to our own desires or comfort level and choose the path best for us. [Dreamer easy in the chair that really fits You].

All sung with an incredible back drop of varied musical interludes typifying the myriad of possibilities over a lifetime.

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